Decisions, Decisions!
As much as one would love to be married, it isn't something to be entered into lightly. Love and being together for forever is wonderful (as long as it is with the person you are supposed to be with); nevertheless, there are many factors that loom over unsuspecting, ignorant, and/or immature couples. Why unsuspecting? Because when in love and the relationship is new, the mindset that everything else will just simply fall into place with little to no effort is the common denominator ( James 2:20 AMP ). Why ignorant? Anything that is not researched is done impulsively. While some think it is the spice of life to do so, it is also what keeps peace at bey. Peace is the necessary ingredient for Kingdom Living. So that "free spirit" kind of thinking needs some discipline and training. Why immature? Not necessarily immature in age but in the matters concerning God. It is the reason for this entry. Once sound information is received, it is difficult to make any decisions based ...