Acceptance Versus Expectation
These blog entries that have been written over the years are for edification, exhortation, and comfort ( 1 Corinthians 14:3 KJV ). As a Human Service Professional, listening to the things people say and watching the behavior is paramount in this career. Sometimes, the inspiration is in the observance and after awhile it’s just overwhelming how we disregard common sense; nevertheless it is fodder for more entries. It seems there is never a loss for material ( Mark 14:7 KJV ). This entry reminds me of the children of Israel that had been led of the Lord without seeing Him. Through a fiery cloud in the sky, seeing the river part for them to cross, and being fed from heaven, one would think that there is no way anyone would take these wonderful miracles for granted and wish for something that everyone else has. And yet, they wanted a king ( 1 Samuel 8:1-22 KJV ). They were already being led by the Almighty!!! Stop here to think about that one (selah). God granted them their request. W...