The Girl
I must say I did enjoy my childhood and being a girl wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I was convinced at a young age that boys had more fun and girls had to stay in the house and play with dolls to be good wives when the time came. I did the house thing but whenever my brother had that look in his eye that he was about to do something that he had never done before, I was attached to his hip. I have to admit, climbing trees and having bike races were more fun then waiting for that easy bake oven to finally kick out a cake the size of a mouthful (though I cook like a banshee now- whatever that means). In spite of those tom-boy tendencies, I was still my father's princess and liked getting those baubles that only a Dad can give to his daughter. I recall a birthday party where I received my first bicycle. It was blue and had a basket in the front and a bell on the right side of the handle bars. It was second hand bought but new to me. I was elated especially seeing t...