
Showing posts from April, 2011

The Girl

I must say I did enjoy my childhood and being a girl wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I was convinced at a young age that boys had more fun and girls had to stay in the house and play with dolls to be good wives when the time came. I did the house thing but whenever my brother had that look in his eye that he was about to do something that he had never done before, I was attached to his hip. I have to admit, climbing trees and having bike races were more fun then waiting for that easy bake oven to finally kick out a cake the size of a mouthful (though I cook like a banshee now- whatever that means). In spite of those tom-boy tendencies, I was still my father's princess and liked getting those baubles that only a Dad can give to his daughter. I recall a birthday party where I received my first bicycle. It was blue and had a basket in the front and a bell on the right side of the handle bars. It was second hand bought but new to me. I was elated especially seeing t...

Those Tiny Crumb Snatchers!

I first must ask your forgiveness for not making more of a strong stance on a subject that is as important as life itself. I don't know how I got around to having this blog page for so long without making more of an emphasis on what God counts as His treasure. I suppose its because that I sensed and have been asked about so many other different subjects on Christian dating, I forgot that this is a new season, a new generation, and values have been tampered with. Though there have been issues and problems in the past that every generation finds more important then their predecessors, it doesn't take away from the fact that this generation has had more occurrences even with the information then any other ( Psalm 73 AMP ). Children... they are everywhere and the reports of the growing population decreasing have escaped me if there is any such document at all. I have written about parenting and the things we did or didn't get as children we have to watch so not to have those...