Struggling and Wrestling
There is an irritating ignorance that seems to try and lurk arround explaining how normal it is to struggle when first getting married. I suppose if you stand on the principles of the world, then you can bandwagon down that journey of bumps, jagged edges, and hardships. Personally, I choose to follow Jesus. The funny thing is when choosing to follow our Lord and Savior, we are all in agreement within the confines of the church building (right?); however, when using the same MO ( modus operandi ) for life in solving the equations the world dishes out, some tried to resurrect that which has passed away ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP ). It is considered to be natural to have struggles and concerns when newly married. Reason being, because of having to cope with another personality, the differences of opinion with daily tasks (being raised in two different households), and the presumption the other will change in a given period of time ( 2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV ). This makes sense; yet, wit...