
Showing posts from April, 2016

If It Wasn't For That Woman...

Earlier this week I was driving to work and listening to some Christian talk radio, as I often do. I love listening to God's Word and receiving revelation knowledge. In this particular show I was listening to, the topic was relationship and in specific, it was the family. I did agree that the break down of the nuclear family means the break down of communities and society as we know it. It was so poignant and profound. The two men who were hosting had a female speaker. They were getting along all so well..and then one of the men asked her a question about the wife and if it were anyone else's responsibility for her happiness but her own. The female speaker hesitated slightly and then said some annoying cliche instead of the Word. Why? Why? Freaking why? She was doing so well before that. She had them eating out of the palm of her hand. It was pleasant and peaceful. Then she says, "I know the old adage is a happy wife, a happy life but it's not how we live. Each o...

Heart Surgery

Its been awhile since my last entry. For a moment, I believed I exhausted all of the major topics for the Christian single life. Then I heard a program on the radio about living the lie of the Christian life style for whatever the purpose and I thought of you...the readers of this blog. Not that it describes you, only information so you will know what to keep watch for. Which of us are perpetrating to get what we can from the other? Do you know? Would you recognize the traits in yourself? The heart of a true believer is easy to see if you are really interested. I was sitting in a restaurant with my son who just finished his boot camp training. In those short 6 weeks, he could tell from his surroundings, who was in the military and who was a civilian. He even got up and spoke to one of them having never met him before. My father being in the military, never told us that it was an automatic training that one could spot at a glance. In the bible, when Jesus was being convicted for abs...