
Showing posts from January, 2012

Does The Word Not Challenge You?

Its the funniest thing, that a man who is respectable in his community and has done what he needs to in the eyes of God would want a woman to be as respectable as he would claim himself to be ( 1 Timothy 3:1-12 KJV ). Yet when the mood arises (in the dating phase), and he attempts to arouse his intended, would he then be offended or challenged when she rejects his advances? Can you see the funny (not ha-ha) in that? You see there are these "alpha male" personality types that see everything as command and conquer. There is nothing the matter with this because it definitely is needed in the body of Christ. That's bold determination and actually an attractive quality. There is no fear in that personality. In fact, he will usually look at men strangely when they would much rather reason things unto a slurry mess. You know the kind. The talkers, the lecturers, until the opposition surrenders because they would much rather take a nap then to hear anything else from this pers...

Grumpy Old Men

Working in the geriatric community I wondered if being inconsiderate and thoughtless of others is what we all have to look forward to. Not as surprised as I find amazing at how the elderly in this community, though not all, couldn't care less at how their actions would affect anyone else. From a man leaving his television volume up loud all night while his medication puts him in a deep sleep to his neighbors that waited until 4:50 a.m. to call me and complain about it. The neighbor complained that this was the second night that he has done this. Of course my thoughts went to why the neighbors hadn't said anything the entire day before or even have a discussion with the man. Instead, I thanked them and dealt with the matter ( Titus 3:1-6 AMP ). What? I'm going to try to teach 80 year olds how to be more considerate of each other? I'd rather pray....its much easier. In the perspective of Christian Dating, this behavior just couldn't have come about especially where ...

Keep Your Friends Close...?

The complete saying is keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Not to completely dissect the sentence grammatically or what every single word, the word,  but is there for the opposite of what was previously stated. Never mind having to keep your friends close as opposed to them wanting to be there in the first place, or that you know who your enemies are and would have them closer to you; none of those things can truly make or break you when having wisdom at the helm. Yet, what it can be is the relentless, nagging issue of what you constitute as a friend . Shock isn't even a close description of what I have discovered in these past few years of my life. I have watched people gravitate towards me with interest and we have talked to the point of exhaustion and still the next day have so much to say to each other. The give and take process of stimulating conversation is the fledgling seeds of a wonderful friendship. There is agreement, common interests a...

Resolutions Resolved Already

Happy New Year to all of my readers, those that catch a peep now and again, and to you first timers. This is the time where we make assessments over our lives and ask certain questions of ourselves or to God as to why a thing is still the way it is or how much longer do I need to wait for this thing. Well, a pastor defined insanity as doing the same things continually and expecting different results. Each year we make these enormous declarations that this is the year that we are going to meet Mr. Right or this is the year you will meet your good thing. Its just time and you are so tired of waiting... or so you think. In making these declarations at the beginning of the year, the world calls them New Year's resolutions. These resolutions are supposedly giving the declarer some direction in moving toward a specific goal. Some people actually get to the goal while others peter off within a few weeks of the new year. I know when I do such a thing it usually has to do with weight issu...