Does The Word Not Challenge You?
Its the funniest thing, that a man who is respectable in his community and has done what he needs to in the eyes of God would want a woman to be as respectable as he would claim himself to be ( 1 Timothy 3:1-12 KJV ). Yet when the mood arises (in the dating phase), and he attempts to arouse his intended, would he then be offended or challenged when she rejects his advances? Can you see the funny (not ha-ha) in that? You see there are these "alpha male" personality types that see everything as command and conquer. There is nothing the matter with this because it definitely is needed in the body of Christ. That's bold determination and actually an attractive quality. There is no fear in that personality. In fact, he will usually look at men strangely when they would much rather reason things unto a slurry mess. You know the kind. The talkers, the lecturers, until the opposition surrenders because they would much rather take a nap then to hear anything else from this pers...