Dear John/Jane, Its Not You....
There comes a time in a relationship (before marriage) where one has to be true to oneself. God tells us what we should and shouldn't do. Whether we hear Him or even listen to His voice is a matter we will contend with sooner or later. The Word tells us that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth and show us things that are to come ( John 16:13 KJV ). Some call those things, red flags. How many do you have to see before calling the whole thing off? Seriously, I get it. Its been a long time between relationships and that nagging thought that this one could be your last chance, is like carrying a boulder on your back. Nevertheless, would God do that to you? Would He have you worried or anxious over such silly matters as this one being the last chance with over 6 billion people on the planet ( Luke 12:24-26 AMP )? Of course not. And why are you worrying over such things when you have so many other matters to contend with. What about your assignment and that career that you ar...