Raising The Bar

Happy New Year to you all in Jesus's name. May there be happiness and health to you and yours. May you see what many refuse to in this coming year, and may it enlighten your journey in the life we have chosen (2 Peter 1:9 AMP). This has been my hope for you as you read many of these entries.

It has been my passion for the last 5-6 years in writing these blogs, that which I believe is the truth and have not heard in any teaching, assists in being easily applied for you to do something so different and radical that your life shows what you always dreamt it could be. Isn't that what Jesus came to earth for (John 10:10 KJV)?

I was asked a few days ago what I would be doing different this year that I haven't already done. Frankly, aside from my usual weight loss resolution that dissolves within 10 days, I hadn't thought about it. In her 80's, she was excited about making plans to go to see her childhood home thousands of miles from where she currently resides. Her plans were detailed knowing that as an elderly woman, it wouldn't be in her best interest to travel alone. Her best friend just passed away a few months ago. Where I would think she would be grieving over such the loss, she was striving to find out what else she could get out of life. I was inspired (Acts 2:28 AMP)!

So what are you going to do or have you made it to the place that has been your passion for all of these years? Have you applied every Christian principle and can teach someone else how to get there (2 Timothy 2:2 AMP)? I know I am still learning but I also know that I won't repeat the same mistakes over and over. The lessons I have learned I reapply so not have to go through that sort of trauma again. Do you? Or do you get so frustrated in the wait, that you go back to "old school"? The term "old school," in Christian principles, doesn't mean back in the day when life was good and simple. The Word tells us not to refer to the past as the good old days (Ecclesiastes 7:10-13 AMP). Its an oxymoron, seeing that the old has past away and God is the only one that is good. By "old school", I mean the ways that you relinquished when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Will you have to go back to the milk of the Word and be taught again (Hebrews 5:12 AMP)?

While working in my place of employment, I have become acquainted with many of the elderly residents and those calling themselves Christians as opposed to those actually living the life (Acts 19:1-18 AMP). I have watched Jewish people becoming more accepting of Christianity then those that have been professing that Jesus is Lord. Fascination puts it mildly when seeing those who used to participate in bible study only to slowly leave the classes because there was an "itch" that needed scratching. Having rendezvouses at an elderly age while not being monogamous, as I wrote fascination is putting it mildly. Statistics have shown that STD's are on the rise with the elderly....with the elderly!!!

It is the older that is supposed to be teaching the younger (Titus 2:2-12 AMP). What has happened? Sometimes I try to tell someone who is older then me something I have learned in order to stay healthy. They look at me with glazed over eyes having a rebuttal that doesn't make sense or they just don't wish to admit they are wrong in that respect. When I know they are no longer listening, what else is there to say? I no longer worry over such matters. Jesus told the disciples to knock the dust off and move on (Luke 9:5 AMP). You do realize that the flesh of man was created from dust? So why keep allowing it to have your time rather then having it crucified with its lusts and affections?

Having sexual desires are normal. As a single person, what do you do about it? Do you feed the desire by watching movies of people having sex or the innuendo of sex? Do you preoccupy your time helping someone in need when those desires come about? Do you study the Word of God during that time? If so, what is the verse that you repeat when those fiery darts of temptation try to hit the bull's eye of which you have become once you made that declaration to stay on the straight and narrow (Matthew 7:13 AMP)?

In The Kingdom Living Blog I was going to rename it to be Fiery Extinguisher because I hoped to have enough scripture and lessons for those who came across opposition to be well equipped with enough in their arsenal (Ephesians 6:10-18 AMP). Funny, during those few days with the name change, all of the fans I had - left. Either they couldn't find the blog or they didn't understand the new title. People rarely like change. It forces them to have to make a move where it used to be comfortable. Like it or not, we all grow. Ready or not, Jesus is still coming! Knowing that, should have forced us all to change - for the better!

What I hope we can all visualize and remember is this: in a Christian's life, there is an outer court, an inner court, and the holy of holies. The outer court is for those we see everyday and deal with on a regular basis. The inner court is our family, friends...close relationships. The holy of holies houses the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and your heart. The only other person belonging in there is your spouse....and even then its with the permission of the Lord. If we abide by this rule, there would be less heart ache and people dying of diseases concerning the heart. This is my theory based upon royalty living in a palace. Jesus is the King of kings and Lords of lords. Greater is He that is in me (us) then he that is in the world. If our bodies are a temple and He is living there, aren't we children of a King? So why do we act with such frivolity? Why don't we scrutinize those that are trying to worm their way in to be closer (2 Timothy 3:6 AMP) having the wrong intentions? Are you allowing the desire to takeover or can't you see yourself as royalty with a higher standard?

Now, I ask, as I have continually in this blog, why hasn't this been taught? And if it has, why isn't it heard as often as the fire and brimstone messages? Do believer's need a constant reminder of death or the life we chose all those many years ago (2 Timothy 3 AMP)? So now that we have chosen the best thing in Christ, let's move on with messages that are complimentary to that decision (James 1 AMP). After all, royalty always expects the best.


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