Your Resume

As a Social Worker, I asked a client to tell me what would it take to make her happy? I was looking for something that she could work on about herself to begin her journey from where she is - in a shelter. Her answer was, a factory job. I didn't expect that answer. I must have asked the question wrong. I repeated myself explaining what I meant. She understood the question, she said and therefore repeated her answer. Oh, so we began there. She might not like the journey - nor would you if you choose to continue reading.

What do you need to get a job? Now, what do you need to get and keep a good job? Such small words make a huge difference in a sentence also can make some people look hopeful while others roll their eyes to focus more on the first question. I recall it was difficult for me to begin a working career right out of high school if I didn't want to work a food service job. Employers were looking for experience, an education, or at least a specific look that could be an asset for their business. It frustrated me because they weren't giving me a chance. Yet, why would they? Each day an employer takes to train an employee, those are tangible hours that can be placed elsewhere. But if the trainee proved to be more of a benefit during the interview process, the employer knows the gamble would be well worth it.

What can an interested, bright, good attitude, potential employee do? Find what your interests are. Do some research. What jobs can you get with those interests? Do you have to go to a 4 year college or can you go to a Vocational School? Do you have to go to school at all? Can you read a few books on your own and take a state test? Is it worth the effort? Why not go into business for yourself? What will it take to get started? Will you need a small business loan? How will you pay it back? Can you draw up a business plan? Do you need to go to college to learn that? 

Ugh! So many questions?

Yes! There are more questions than that that need to be answered! This is your life!!! It is what your

parents should have paid attention to when registering you into elementary school, Junior High School, High School! It is what teachers should have ignited into you instead of boring lessons about ilk you wouldn't use anywhere! It should have been things you discussed with you parents, an Academic Advisor, a Counselor, somebody before embarking on this long and arduous journey. Yet, many of us don't and then later in life say things like, "if I only knew then what I know now, things would be different!" Or the ever popular, "if I could turn back the clock, things would be different!" Oh, and maybe you heard the one about, "youth is wasted on the young!" Really?

What do you need to have a good relationship? I know it isn't the best segway, yet there it is. It is the most basic question that seems not to elude people from answering but the divorce rate is what it is and the marriage numbers are down. How can anyone answer this question with the soliloquy of a professor and not know how to actually do it? If you never wanted to go through the steps with obtaining an education and learning how you can be an asset to yourself, how are you trying to "hook up" with anyone? Aren't you pulling the cart before the horse?

The question I asked my client in what would make her happy was asked in a domestic violence shelter. Having a factory job was the least of her troubles but we had to start somewhere. She didn't want to listen to anything else I said but for me to be her network to get her in a factory position. She did not want to talk to anyone in Human Resources. She did not want to check out the demographics in relationship to her residence as it was to the place of employment. She didn't want to be scheduled for an interview, She didn't even want to fill out an application. What she was essentially asking me to do was to be her conduit to do what is required of her and she would just show up to do the least amount of labor but be first in line for that paycheck.

What do you need to get into heaven? Another awkward segway? But this is the purpose for life!!! What have you been doing with yours? I recall a pastor beginning every bible study lesson with, "how are you living?" The answer was supposed to be, holy. He told the congregation this when he started doing bible study. The next bible study the congregation answered resoundingly, HOLY! Then months later, members would trickle in to bible study. When the late comers made it a habit, was it to avoid the bible study lessons or answering the question?

Acknowledge Him in ALL thy ways and He will direct thy path (Proverbs 3:6 AMP). Just pray and that will be acknowledging Him.  Life has been here longer than you. It is the reason why the older much teach the younger. It is the reason why the Word tells us to teach a child in the way he must go and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6 AMP). It is also tells us, My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6 AMP). 

Is your resume full? Does it need more experience added? Does it need more education added? Do you have any special skills? Are you an asset or a liability? 

What would your resume tell your potential spouse about you? Are you stable in a specific position or have you been meandering around trying to find yourself? Are you in business for yourself hiring other employees to be of assistance in improving the economy or are you still doing it all by yourself?  

What does your resume say to God about you? Are you using the talents He gave you or are you just earning wages (Matthew 25:14-30 AMP)? Are you making steps in the vision He had shown you years ago or have you dismissed it because it was too overwhelming (Proverbs 29:18 AMP)? God asked Adam, where are you, after he sinned. Would He ask you the same question?


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