Responsibility (part 2)

The head needs direction for the body to do anything. God is the head of all. Jesus kept in constant relationship with God to complete the tasks He was called to do. He said it is finished (John 19:30 AMP). Now it is up to man to be able to fulfill his part. Where was he going to get that direction? Who was he going to speak to now that Jesus received His reward in heaven as we are all supposed to be doing? He stayed in constant relationship with God. We are to be in constant relationship with Him. So we begin by denying ourselves and fulfilling the destination He has mapped out for us (Luke 9:23 AMP). We learn through the Word...just like Jesus did. His parents came to find Him and He said He was about His Father's business at age 12 (Luke 2:49 KJV). This is the instruction and direction for men. He cannot teach himself. Therefore, he attends church services where the pastor, preacher, minister, teacher, and/or evangelist has done nothing but stay before God to know and understand what he or she must serve to God's children. The clergy has sacrificed their entire life to this one calling in being "the mouth piece of God." They have studied. They have prayed. So the people come to hear what is necessary for them to progress and be successful (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 AMP). What happened?

I heard a woman retort when she heard the same verse about the man being the head of the woman. She said, "yes, but the head can't move without the neck." I understand the opposing attitude in the comment because women have been regarded as the less of everything. It's as much as having to deal with fighting words against the very core of your being. However as Christians, we have to...we must process information different and consider what is the source. Who is our source? This can only be done with study and having relationship with God. 

Let's get back to where this is coming from and spread out the sheet to see how to make this bed and lie in it comfortably. You see after the "fall of man" there was this curse that has not been discussed because it didn't seem like a curse to men. But know because he didn't understand and never asked questions, the curse continued to the point of breaking down the core of the family even until this day. There are times where I wonder when believers see the answer and still say nothing is it because they don't wish to be wrong or they don't wish to face the back lash from all of the speakers who have been living this way and all of the generations in the past with no one saying anything? Its frustrating to think about; but how much longer will it be before allowing this truth to set us all free?

You see, its stuck in the middle there. When God said to the woman that she will have pain during child birth and that her husband will have authority over her and she will desire her husband (Genesis 3:16 AMP). This curse has not been dealt with. Instead it has been incorporated in the marriage vows. It has been esteemed on Women's Day when Esther is viewed as being highly favored and how she stayed away from the king unless he called for her and how she cooked his favorite meal before she asked anything of him. We read about women staying in the back of the church and if she had any questions about what was taught, she was to remain silent until she got home to ask her husband and only him (1 Corinthians 14:34-35 AMP). Anything else would be considered as disrespect...depending on the culture, opposing this direction could be the deciding factor in not sparing this woman's life. These were lessons to the younger women to know how to treat their own husbands. But isn't it odd how this never satisfied their own husbands in forsaking others or cherishing his own wife or supporting her or not leaving the wife of his youth? How did this happen? It's the Word. The Word adds life not confusion, not discord, not error.

Answer: by incorporating the curse in the marriage. God was NOT in the midst of that. What pastor, preacher, minister, evangelist, prophet, or teacher wants to hear that especially when they are already married or has married so many couples with those same vows again and again and again? If the truth came out, what happens to the existing church as we know it (Romans 2:21 AMP)? People would be looking at clergy differently. The questions would come with a different attitude especially thinking that these people are "the mouth pieces of God" yet decided not to listen to the rudimentary building blocks of a marriage and in so doing ruined the nuclear family because error does what it does... it destroys. If you don't believe what you read, ask them. Ask any one of them if they aren't using the same marital vows that has been used for centuries. Ask them if the husband should have authority over the wife. Ask if the woman should desire her husband? After they answer those questions, ask if they have been using their answers in the wedding vows that they have presided over. Then finally ask, wasn't all of that a part of the curse? They cannot deny it. They have to accept it. It is the only way for change to occur. You are responsible. Now what?!!! What will you do, pastor, preacher, evangelist, prophet, apostle, minister, teacher to make that wrong, right (Ephesians 4:11-16 AMP)?


ChrisM said…
Keep preaching. I am very Christian. I focus on listing to God and doing acts of kindness to all everyday. I can only do this with God's help.

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