What Is Going On?

Driving in the February chill of Michigan the roads looked as they always had, as with the trees, the smell of the frost, and the children walking bookbag bound to the destination one presumably believes to be school; but there is no telling these days. It would either seem I had been trapped indoors for so long, I never saw the change happen or could it have been distraction that kept me from seeing what everyone else saw and took for being normal. Am I so far out of the regime that the mere mention of what I know would never have been cause for an uproar?

I am believing that I was somehow distracted and never noticed that a woman showing her pregnant stomach would somehow be fashionable. No one asked for the woman to cover herself out of respect of being a mother if nothing else. I sort of wished I did, but I was so surprised at her display,  I wouldn't of had the words.  Then again, they may have not said anything for fear of repercussion of what this woman would have done or said (Matthew 24:19-21 AMP). 

A well known actress coming from a gym wore black leggings with a leather bolero jacket. Before stepping into the driver seat, she opened the back door to place her workout bag. When she did so, she bent over exposing that the leggings were thin and she decided not to wear  underwear or was wearing a thong. The paparazzi began clicking their cameras at this female celebrity's backside. She turned, smiled and proceeded to get into the driver's side to drive away. I don't know where they used that picture nor could imagine what the byline could have been; however, this is where the distraction must have come from. The celebrity is well into her forties, yet she caused doing what she deliberately did, made other women consider buying the same outfit and behaving the same way and for some, behave worse (Matthew 7:12-14 AMP).

The host of a pod cast gave the demand for the viewer to listen to a video he allowed to play being the topic of a discussion. A woman in the video said she never wanted to play both roles as a mother and father. When a woman does this, she was complimented in being a strong woman. There is usually no help for a woman of such strength. The woman speaking said, she is not that strong and would love to get some help. The woman said she never wanted to be "the man" in her child's life. If the host of the pod cast allowed the video to run further, I am sure she said much more that men don't want to hear or make some sort of restitution. No woman wants to be that strong where she has to put aside her femininity to raise her children as a single parent...but what would her alternative be? She had the children so she has to do the best that she can? Oh but wait, it still takes two to make a baby. Where did he go? Why doesn't anyone want to ask that? His feelings? Really, are we still on that? Walking on egg shells so not to bruise his ego but in the meantime, she has to walk through the trenches just to put food on the table and cloth the children he had with her. What has happened?

Should this be asked of the church? But the pastors don't preach for the men to pull up their boot straps. They are afraid if they say something derogatory to the men, the few that do come to service will leave too. So, I begin to wonder if the pastors are tailor making the sermons to highlight a specific group of people. Then who is the pastor hearing from? Would God have the pastor only feed a select group of sheep? How does that sound to you? Where is the scripture for that way of thinking (Matthew 7:15-20 AMP)?

A woman on another short video decided that she was going to announce that women should not be overly sexualized and if she wants to feel good about herself, she should be able to wear what she wants and show a little more than cleavage. I read the comments and was appalled at how many people supported this asinine view point. I had to say something even if it was a suggestion it doesn't need the steam that would take the information to the wrong younger hands and be influenced by such a statement. It was once said, "if you plan to advertise, don't get upset with whom answers the advertisement." Of course women are sexualized. It has always been and if you want to call it a double standard, so be it. Just understand there are 2 different genders and the double standard is in place because there are 2 different genders. Men are not women and vice versa. If women decide to walk around topless, know there is going to be a problem. There are sexual predators and the list isn't smaller now than it was last year. Seriously, what has happened that these things aren't common knowledge anymore (2 Timothy 3:12-13 AMP)?


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