
Showing posts from June, 2012

Don't Ruin The Image

Eventually we come to an age in our lives where we think we need to portray a certain kind of image of ourselves. Whether this image comes from a movie character, an actual person that has influenced our lives or one of our own family members, it is still a decision we make to continue to function successfully day by day. The funny thing is, when we decide to choose an image that isn't real like a movie character, many times we act as if our lives is a sitcom as well. I recall in high school, and couldn't possibly forget him, was this guy who would come to my French class and make all of these nonsensical rantings at the threshold of the door. He would have this nice looking side kick that didn't say anything but follow after him like some whipped puppy. This guy would finish what ever rambling he'd have to say and then pound one side of the door and with a loud, "Ay!" , make this body gesture with his hands out to his sides and then leave. He was trying hi...

Sugar Babies

The candy, Sugar Babies, I discovered as a child of maybe 10 years old. I liked the predecessor, Sugar Daddy. To date, back then, it was my favorite. The long caramel on a stick lasted longer then any other candy and it satisfied any sweet cravings a child that age would have for a little while. When I tried the spin off of the Sugar Daddy, it paled in comparison. Having the palette of distinguishing good candy from the mundane (no candy is bad to a 10 year old - except for black licorice), I didn't like the grainy feel on my tongue. After tasting a few of the caramel like balls, I signed off of not to purchase it again. Though others didn't feel the same, it had to be well liked in order to have stayed on the shelves this long. It is interesting however, the way men refer to women as eye candy when describing certain attributes. Women do the same thing when using the term, beef cake. Yet while both terms allow the listener to understand that the person is attractive, eye ...

Eh...Once A Month Is Plenty

There is a  recent entry to this blog entitled, The Glue To A Marriage . In it is described the mistakes that were made when the original message was heard  and then I read the Word for myself. By that time, my marriage had failed. Things done would have been different if the lessons came from the real truth . It is why I continue to write for my brothers and sisters in Christ to learn for themselves so not to fall in the same error. This entry is from the reaction I hear women talk about dealing with their marital duties ( 1 Corinthians 7:4 AMP ). I see the look on their faces as they describe sex as being such the chore like laundry and washing dishes. The euphoric look in their eyes as they use to have when they were dating is gone. What happened to that mystique that we all wish would never go away? Those tingles and the butterflies in our stomachs at the sight of the intended when they are close by, what happened to that? Do we get use to the other person and eventual...

The NFL, NBA, PGA, NHL, and Soon to Send An APB

It is not something that is thoroughly discussed because a new couple never factors in hobbies and other interests as being a problem in a marriage. Nevertheless, when a man gets to be an enthusiast in a sport that he will never play in but keeps scores of all of his favorite players, ladies need to realize that this seemingly innocent interest could become the mistress that no woman counts on. He will spend every weekend with her and some week days. He will eat with her and laugh in a manner that he will never have with you. He will share her with his other friends and when she isn't there, it is all he and his friends can talk about until she returns again. And just when you think the season is over and you have at least 4 months to be with your new boyfriend, fiance, or husband without interruption, it is time for a new season of a different sport. Its like he turned in the blonde for a redhead. He will try to pacify you with some kind words and a bauble or two, but you know...