Don't Ruin The Image
Eventually we come to an age in our lives where we think we need to portray a certain kind of image of ourselves. Whether this image comes from a movie character, an actual person that has influenced our lives or one of our own family members, it is still a decision we make to continue to function successfully day by day. The funny thing is, when we decide to choose an image that isn't real like a movie character, many times we act as if our lives is a sitcom as well. I recall in high school, and couldn't possibly forget him, was this guy who would come to my French class and make all of these nonsensical rantings at the threshold of the door. He would have this nice looking side kick that didn't say anything but follow after him like some whipped puppy. This guy would finish what ever rambling he'd have to say and then pound one side of the door and with a loud, "Ay!" , make this body gesture with his hands out to his sides and then leave. He was trying hi...