
Showing posts from February, 2013

His Queen Or Daddy's Princess?

When the decision is made to be with the one you love in matrimony, that decision is coupled with leaving Mom and Dad and cleaving to the spouse ( Mark 10:7 AMP ). When you are all grown up, that is not a hard move to make. However, saying that you are grown up and actually being grown are two different things. You see, the only reason it is hard for a woman to let go of her parents is because the man who she is attaching herself to has no plan. He is gung-ho on being married and having legal sex to where no one will have an opinion that will mean anything because the vows have been spoken and all of the papers have been signed. But there is the after wards... when the flesh has settled and the pressure to have sex has been relieved, then there are those other things that no one worked out in a plan. Like, who is supposed to get up from the marital bed and make a paycheck? Who is going to make sure that pregnancy isn't the next thing to concern yourself about? When the honeym...

The Perfect Mate For a Loner

One of my favorite shows, odd as it may seem, is Hoarders on A&E. Over the numbers of episodes that I have watched, there is a specific common thread in all of the clients. You would think that common thread is mental illness but that is the result of what the common thread brought. Most often then not it was some sort of trauma which led to them being alone. The few cases that didn't, usually suffered from some sort of loss in the family. Theoretically, there are exceptions to the rule, in this case, the common thread. One of the exceptions was this couple who met while in college. They never had children and were loners before meeting each other. What they did share was a love for knowledge and books. She was working at the college library or bookstore when they both graduated with PhD's. Even then, they often found themselves engrossed in some sort of book. After reading, they'd come together and discuss what they read. This was their pattern, their habit, their...

Heartache to Heart Break

The world needs a day to express love for one another. To exchange gifts and baubles which is taught in grade school with classmates. Truly, all children aren't really enjoying this particular day especially those whose parents didn't receive many invitations or the parents that can't see the value in purchasing the cards, envelopes, little heart candies and the like just for their child to be well liked. It is the beginning of how a child learns about networking and being socially engaging. The child then grows and does the same thing independently and not needing a particular day to be engaging. Ah, Valentine's Day. A day where the symbol representing it is a heart shape. The heart being indicative of love. The card with the heart shape is given freely to the person with whom he/she is supposedly in love with. The person receiving the heart shape is either blushing, surprised, or embarrassed. Whether it is accepted or merely thanked and tossed in the nearest recep...