Heartache to Heart Break

The world needs a day to express love for one another. To exchange gifts and baubles which is taught in grade school with classmates. Truly, all children aren't really enjoying this particular day especially those whose parents didn't receive many invitations or the parents that can't see the value in purchasing the cards, envelopes, little heart candies and the like just for their child to be well liked. It is the beginning of how a child learns about networking and being socially engaging. The child then grows and does the same thing independently and not needing a particular day to be engaging.

Ah, Valentine's Day. A day where the symbol representing it is a heart shape. The heart being indicative of love. The card with the heart shape is given freely to the person with whom he/she is supposedly in love with. The person receiving the heart shape is either blushing, surprised, or embarrassed. Whether it is accepted or merely thanked and tossed in the nearest receptacle is pretty much the way some people have dealt with relationships. It is the hope that the heart of the person is well received and handled with care.

In the last 10 years, scientists and doctors have announced the study that heart disease has climbed up to be the number one "silent killer" of women. There is a campaign that has moved breast cancer to number two. It is not the pink ribbon pin as much as there is the little red dress pin. How did that happen and so fast? What has changed within the family and economy that would make such the heart something that women must concern themselves about?

Science uses the factors of people being ignorant of their family history, having poor diets, sedentary lifestyles, and lower incomes not affording decent health care to be in contact with primary physicians. However if all of these things are in place and the disease still happens, what then? Why would or could such a thing happen? What else can be done as a safe guard in keeping one's heart healthy?

Oddly, the studies of stress factors aren't as prevalent as the aforementioned. Nevertheless, as Christians, we know that stress plays a part in our overall spiritual health and therefore would also be a part of our physical health. The word tells us to guard our hearts for out of them comes the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23 AMP). In doing so, we have to look at this from a spiritual level before physical because we walk in the Spirit so not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16 KJV). To guard is to be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to wrath (James 1:19 AMP). To guard is not to quarrel with one another because it doesn't promote righteousness (James 1:20 AMP). To guard is knowing good and doing something about it when wrong has been perceived (James 4:17 AMP). To guard is by acknowledging Him in all they ways so that He can direct your path (Proverbs 3:6 AMP). To guard is to walk in love in all that you do (Ephesians 5:1-6 AMP).

Having these practices in place not only keeps stress out of your life, but also allows for wisdom to take over and tell you things that you didn't know. When people say, "something told me not to do this or that." It is because of good seed sown in good ground. The production of that seed is also good. You would know this by studying the parable of the farmer and the seed (Mark 4:13-20 AMP). How does this parable work in Christian dating?

When God created man, He created him with everything he could need - physically. When God looked at all that He had done, it is written that He determined that it was not good for man to be alone. In creating the woman, man was put to sleep. Man wasn't gallivanting hither and yon trying to sow wild seed where ever he could. Man wasn't told to go traveling in search for his mate from all over the world. Man wasn't given instruction for  a lot of women to be created first so he can have a beauty pageant to pick out a smorgasbord from the liter. Man was put to sleep. He was resting. When God took the rib from man to fashion a woman, He took a part of what caged and physically protected the vital organs of man. This shows that woman was the only creature not created from the dust but from man...for man. She is a gift from God to be a help mete for man.

Strange, isn't it that woman has been doing all of the pleading, giving, and showing of how she needs him then the other way around. Man doesn't need a woman who is desperate and more on her knees then she is about her father's business. He needs for her to be confident and strong already doing what she is called to do (Hebrews 10:35 AMP). It has been taught in the pulpit otherwise because it sounds good for a woman to be vulnerable and at the ready to be married to someone. This type of woman would surely be submissive to her husband and obey him. However this is not the will of God... it is the will of man.

First, understand that we are supposed to be rightly dividing the Word of God so we know the truth and it will set us free (John 8:32 KJV). Everything that is written is permissible for us to do, but it is not profitable for us to do everything (1 Corinthians 10:23 AMP). Yes it does sound like it is good for a woman to cherish and reverence her husband who is the head of her, because we have heard it so often that we believe it to be true. We also know that there can't be so many leaders in one house, this will cause chaos which God is not the author of (1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV). So women have been the submissive ones in order for there to be order also to allow men to have the leadership role to be a good influence on young children. With that understanding, let's rightly divide the truth when man was cursed after being disobedient with what God told him to do. Man was told that he would work hard and from the sweat would he then eat the plants of the field because the ground was cursed because of him (Genesis 3:17-19 AMP). And so man does just this. He hasn't yet learned that with Jesus, the curse has been turned around and he no longer has to toil as he use to. But until he has this understanding, he continues to labor.

With the woman, which is the topic of this blog, she was told that she would be distressed and have pangs during child birth. Her grief will be multiplied and that she would crave and desire her husband and he will rule over her (Genesis 3:16 AMP). This sounds like what has been happening with women today. Child birth pain, most of us have accepted it as something we have to endure; however for a little while we were saying that we are too blessed to be stressed. What ever happened to that? Grief being multiplied doesn't sound like a heart being guarded and is extremely stressful. Which then comes to craving and having a desire for our husbands...huh! This is a part of the curse! Why hasn't anyone preached against this? It sounds like something we should have (Revelation 2:3-5 AMP). Yet, heart disease is the number one killer among women. You tell me, does it sound profitable to you?


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