Where Are All of the Good Ones?

There is a time in everyone's life where you constantly hear the complaints of relationships. Either you hope it never happens to you or not to become so cynical or you begin to wonder if the good ones your age have all gone. The idea of being so jaded as to think that men are all the same or that the good ones are already married, gone home to be with the Lord or about to be has to be a recipe to cringe. I allow patience to have her perfect work (James 1:4 KJV); because the alternative is listed above.

When coming to the understanding that you can't trust anyone but God, I thought it was such an epiphany. Wisdom would continue to give me more nuggets and I would have the handle on finally being in a successful relationship. However, what happens is that while wisdom does what she does, life doesn't stop. People continue to change and one day you're hit in the face, like a brick hurled at full force. Those that had potential to be what you thought they would be, has filtered away. Know that potential is a hope. Potential is the image of what is presented for the purposes to influenced others to believe what may or may not be true. Potential is wearing rose colored glasses to see a glimpse of what could be possible. Potential is not chiseled in stone and cannot promise anything. Does that sound jaded or cynical? Think about it. How do you dress at home? Now how do you dress on a date...at a job interview? Would you like that potential spouse or supervisor to see what you look like at home? Why not?

How many children did you go to school with and continue to see now? How well have they fared in their lives. When you look at your high school yearbook, all those that were labeled, most likely to succeed, did they? I read about a man in an article that had over 30 children with a variety of women. He was standing before a judge because he could not provide for any of them and expected for the state to take care of them. A news story of a woman with 15 children believing that the public needed to be held accountable. When the judge asked her if she was pregnant she refused to answer knowing she

would be held in contempt because someone else would have to care for the children. What was the label that woman and man received in high school? Did anyone peg them to be who they became? Of course not. Thinking about those children and how irresponsible and inconsiderate those parents have become is a truth no one wants to admit. But what if this was the spouse you decided would be the perfect mate for you? Now what?

Having been a Director for a learning center, I was fascinated watching children of different ethnicities play and problem solve with each other. All of their interactions didn't need an adult. It was how they learned. It was also a learning experience watching parents remove their children once the learning center became diverse. Are children more well rounded if they learn from different ethnic groups? Can they make quality decisions for themselves if they watch and see what other people do in certain situations or do parents make children curious to find out more once they have become old enough to do so? 

It is a sad state of affairs to believe that the good ones have all gone and that the social media and other ilk of the world have caused believers to look left when they should stay the course (Joshua 1:7 AMP). You have to maintain the faith to become more mature in Him. Know that he has already paved the way and right when you least expect it, the provision  will be there when you need it. Keep the faith...please. That's all it takes.


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