...And Then The Novelty Wares Off

There is this wonderful, exuberant time in every relationship where the tingles and butterflies pale in comparison with what goes on within you when you see that special person you have agreed to be a major factor in your life.  Don't mistake how great the feeling is when you have a liking for someone and they don't know you even exist - that's cool too especially when you are a child. It's the agreement of two people believing and knowing that the compatibility is everything you could ever think it would be. Having like interests, conversations that aren't difficult, family values are equally treasured, and the roles that each have are obvious and not debatable.

Eventually, the conversation changes because you both question where the relationship is going. Is this long term or something to do over the Summer? It's a scary thing to approach if you are immature. Grown folks have had discussions like this before. The sooner you find what the other person is looking for, the better. Everybody would love to keep those tingly feelings alive for as long as you can and would hate to ruin it, but like everything in life, change is inevitable. You need to find if the other person is in love with the novelty of love or is there a future with him/her?

The novelty of love?

There are those that love the feelings of what they think is love and then when reality bites, they are off to find those feelings with someone else. That sounds like an addict and to some degree, that is exactly what it is. The person is never satisfied no matter if the person he/she is with is truly in love with
him/her or not. The feelings are not tingly. The butterflies have fluttered away. The conversation is boring and he/she never liked what you liked anyway. Does it become real and the conversation about where the relationship is growing is about to happen or is the absence of those initial feelings tell all that you need to know?

There were these guys answering questions to women about "what men want" at a dating forum. A woman asked, "if a man has a girlfriend but likes me, should I keep dating him waiting for him to leave her?" To all of us, the solution is a no brainer; however, the answer..., I don't know? He said to her, "yes, I would date you because you fit in when my girlfriend got on my nerves and I don't like her for right now."  He then said something that I thought would have culminated it for the woman asking the question. He said, "I still love my girlfriend and you, as the side chick would never be someone I would ask to be my wife!" He said he loves his girlfriend but doesn't like her right now. I read the comments from other women to see if they understood what this man was saying. They did not. For the most part, they applauded him for being honest and the woman asking the question needs to value herself more. Yikes!

Has it become the norm to be thirsty (desperate)? Have men accepted that it is their role to test all of the other women intimately no matter if he is married or not? Have women allowed it to be their plight just as long as he knows that he has to come home? Have people forgot just because they don't go to Sunday School that the Word of God is still prevalent? The Word tells us not to mock God for as a man soweth, so shall he reap? Sowing seeds of infidelity doesn't harvest affection and compatibility. If you believe opposites attract you can't complain when in opposition most of the time!

For whatever the reason, it has been mentioned less over the years that God is love. The mind boggles when a believer says the ever popular verse, "greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world." Yet, how can one fall out of love with someone that he/she promised until death? God is love. Fall out of love and is a believer? Make it make sense?

So now answer the question, can there be a novelty of love wearing off when the root of it all is God? We learn that it is impossible to please Him without faith; and therefore we practice walking in just that. Why? Because we wish to please Him (Hebrews 11:6 AMP). We learn to be holy for He is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16 AMP). Why? To be more like Him. He is love and therefore, it is how we think, act, speak and do. Why? Because He made man in His image and it is sin that separates that relationship. Now think about what you have heard and what has become the normal thing to say out in the world. Can someone fall out of love? As a believer, if someone falls out of love, what happens to his walk in Christ? Can he/she still walk in love with everyone else and be out of love with the one he/she promised devotion to (Ephesians 5:1-3 AMP)?



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