
 In my profession, I have the responsibility to make sure my clients receive all of the services offered for their optimum physical and emotional well being. In so doing, the services require for the clients to listen to sound advise. Whether they adhere to the advise is their prerogative.

The title of this entry came to me after speaking to one of those clients. She had divulged that she was going through a number of procedures that require invasive surgery. I asked if she had exhausted all other possibilities. She responded, "well, it's what the doctor recommended, so..." She had made up her mind. But what was the last pebble on the balance causing her to relinquish the power to seek a second opinion (Luke 11-21-23 AMP). What hold did this one doctor have on her? Why couldn't she see that there were simpler ways to resolve the problem, that this was the only body she was going to get, that once her life was gone under the knife, there were not going to be anymore do overs?

I took a deep breath and explained for the woman to value her life more than she has been. It is a gift that God has given and you are responsible to take care. Putting that precious gift in the hands of someone who may have 10 or more years of basic knowledge about anatomy - is not good enough when the Ancient of Days that created the very fingerprints unique of anyone else, hasn't been considered first (Jeremiah 1:5 AMP)? I explained that once she leaves the office, the concern for her health and welfare leaves with her. The doctor is looking for the next patient. It is a business. Please make no mistake, the medical profession is clearly necessary. There are those that love what they do and will make every effort for the sake of their patients. Thank God for those who maintained that course of higher learning for the health and well being of people; however, there are some white coat wearing know-it-alls that would rather experience a procedure whether the patient needs it or not.

Could this reasoning be applied to Christians walking out that spiritual lifestyle? How could this way of thinking be of use when dating for the purpose of marriage?

We acknowledge Him in all of our ways so that He can direct our path (Proverbs 3:6 AMP). If this was done on a regular basis, we would have been habitually consuming that which is good to eat, drink, read, watch, be. If there is a problem, we have taken it to Him in prayer before seeking medical help. Just know that due diligence was done first. It is imperative. It seems simple enough. Are these steps skipped when dating?

A woman married her husband based on his life style, the flattering words, the attention to detailed gifts, and he wasn't bad looking either. Everything seemed to be cute and special until she noticed that he didn't like cleaning up after himself. He didn't like putting groceries away. He didn't like cooking for himself. Yet, he expected for the house to be cleaned, food to be bought and put away, and when he came home, he expected for there to be a meal waiting for him. This, the woman knew and didn't mind; however, she worked outside of the home too and felt as if she was doing it all. She didn't complain to him because she wasn't the type to. She just stopped talking. She stopped reacting to his flattering words. She stopped noticing the nice gifts. He noticed the change with her but did not think it was anything he had to do for her to be the person he married (Proverbs 2 AMP).

It has always been fascinating how men would like for her to be submitted to him yet he doesn't want to be submitted to God. The concept isn't difficult if the first part is adhered to. If he did what he needs to do, then of course her part would not be difficult either. In the example above, it is all her fault. Why because she did not do her due diligence and followed after her senses. When did she acknowledged the One that created him and her? Women have to realize that she doesn't have to accept the proposal. The huge ring, the expensive lifestyle, the baubles collected doesn't mean he knows what to do with the vital organ called her heart. 

The same is true for him. He is believing that a woman will do all she can for her husband and her family, yet he initially spoke to her based on her beauty and her flattering words about all she can do for and to him. He liked what he heard. Without acknowledging Him in all of his ways, he can expect disastrous results. Once he has allowed emotions to enter in, the heart becomes involved. The Word tells us to guard our hearts for out of it comes the issues of life. How would any of us be so careless with such a vital organ (1 John 5:21 AMP)?

If the doctor examines you and says that there needs to be surgery involving blood, removing some abnormal growth close to a vital organ, would you ask for more information? Would you expect to get a specialist to give you all of your options. If you saw that there was a gamble with your life, would you seek a second opinion? Why? Can the person you are dating, be trusted with a vital organ that surgeons of 30+ years must refresh their knowledge on continuously? 

This is not the only entry where I have written about the heart in this blog (see for yourself here, here, and here). It baffles me how those who profess to love the Lord with all that they are can then leave Him out of the most crucial portion of their life. It is as vital as the organ itself to keep it guarded (Proverbs 4:23 AMP). Treat those first 3 initial dates like a business transaction; you will then notice the difference that change will make.


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