Trust, A Weapon Formed Against You (part 1)?

Tony Orlando and Dawn was a singing group back in the 70's. Tony Orlando was singing well before then though. During that time, the hit, Tie a Yellow Ribbon was on the rise, and so was his weight. By the mid to late 70's, everyone noticed how he started to slim down. It looked effortless. He was on a talk show when the subject came up in an interview. Mr. Orlando explained that as a child and well into his adult years, he would always have a particular snack of a well known brand of chocolate cookie and milk. It seemed innocent enough when growing into his teen years and really wasn't noticing the weight gain until an adult. He didn't change much of his diet, he just stopped the seemingly innocent snack of milk and cookies.

This is how the concept of trust has been used. When reading about relationships or studying about marriage and counseling couples, this concept is paramount in all aspects of the dynamic. Having the support of the significant other, there has to be trust because without it, what is the foundation of any relationship? It sounds good. It makes sense and therefore we take this rather innocent and easy subject matter and we incorporate it as a means by which we measure all relationships. There has to be this element of trust, there just has to be (Proverbs 18:24 AMP)!

But God. We are believers residing in this world for a moment. We are not to incorporate the values or the precepts that has been developed from rationalization and processes of elimination. You see, we all have done this and then we come into the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7 AMP). We understand the 10 Commandments and have incorporate it in our lives. What ever else that we used instead has died. We have learned of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and has incorporated it into our lives. Whatever else we had before that has passed away with the flesh (including its lusts and affections). We understand and know it is better this way. We have meditated on it day and is to our benefit to do so (Joshua 1:8 KJV). Then why wouldn't trust be included with that?

Remember the children of Israel and them praying for a king. They wanted a king because they saw

other provinces with their own king and they didn't want to be without one. They were led away from Pharoah keeping them as slaves by the separation of an ocean. There is only One who could have done that. They were fed food from heaven by the only One that could have done that. They were guided in the night by a flame in the sky, there is only One that could do that and yet they still wanted to have a king they could see. When their request was granted with Saul, because he was head and shoulders above other men, they were satisfied. When the children of Israel were harrassed by Goliath, they trusted in their king. The king they taunted by singing that he can only kill 1000 in war while David kills 10,000 (1 Samuel 18:6-9 KJV). They didn't know what childish teasing could do to a grown man's ego even being surrounded by men of nobility. That man that they trusted in, not only gave the task to a boy to do but went to a soothsayer for direction. Was that a godly thing to do? Is that an obvious question? But before reading this, didn't you believe trust is paramount in a relationship too?

This also applies when finding that good thing, gentlemen. You see when David married Jonathon's sister, he thought he got the cream of the crop. There is an entry about it in depth. You can read about it here. You see, his wife kept idols under her childhood bed (1Samuel 19:13 KJV). You would think after leaving her father's home that she leaves the childish things as well. But she was raised by her father, Saul. When she went to get her clothes, she remembered her idols and brought them with her. She place them under her marital bed. Did David know what she did. It isn't written that he did. Do you think David trusted the woman he married?

It’s like that childhood snack. It's just 2 cookies and 4 ounces of milk. It ties the appetite over until dinner. Go outside and play with your friends before you know it, 2-3 hours have passed and it’s time to come in. Granted, as adults our lives seem to be more complicated than that. As adults, we have put away with childish things (1 Corinthians 13:11 KJV). We don’t need something to tie us over until the next meal. We are disciplined. As children, our trust is put upon our parents to raise and support us to the best of their ability. Then we grow up and learn of their fallacies (Ephesians 5:1-33 KJV). Our trust is transferred to the One that has no fallacies. If those changes aren't made, you cannot blame anyone but yourself.

In this blog, there are several excerpts written about guarding the heart, the heart being a major organ for existence and the only One you can trust with such the organ is the Creator of said organ. You can read more of the heart here, here, and here. Putting your trust in someone who has not finished growing up is a recipe for disaster. We put our trust in God - that's all. Not things, not machines, not pets, not people. Things can rot, mildew, and rust. Animals don't reason and will leave the owner if threatened or something better comes along. People have to be taught right from wrong and then decide whether they are going to do it or not. God tells people to choose. Why would He tell us this, if we already know? How would you know if that significant other chose life or not? God knows. He changes not. It is to your benefit to trust in Him. It is the only way you will know His voice (John 10:27 KJV).


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