
Showing posts from March, 2010


A man decided he was ready to marry but wasn't willing for his bride to be anybody. He had high ideals in this day and age but wondered if he should settle for someone that is not so high maintenance. He figured he could change her according to what he wanted seeing that woman is made for man. So he began his search. He came upon a woman who claimed Christianity but didn't know much about the Word of God only what pastors taught. He waited and watched how she behaved with certain issues and knew she would be ideal for his wife. At first he seemed very sincere with how much he had grown to love her then he changed. It was ever so slight. He knew that she wasn't that knowledgeable about the Word so decided to teach her. His teachings consisted of him talking for hours. She was losing interest in the bible class and he feared that she was also losing interest in him. He then planned to gradually become affectionate with her to see how she would respond. His plan worked so ...


Have we lost sight of the reason 2 people join to marry? Is it for the children born out of wedlock? Is it to please the parents who have waited long enough for their children to get it together and settle down? Is it just for peace of mind so not to stress about the proverbial biological clock or because everyone else is doing it. For all of the those other reasons, what will the overall outcome be? How bright will the future look without all that God says you should have first? I know of someone who has expressed anger at the long wait to be married (1 Thessalonians 5:18 AMP). This isn't new. Who else just gave in and went down the aisle anyway? How many people live in regret today? It is what I think about that helps with any oppressive thought the enemy tries to tempt me with (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV). Of course I use the Word and having a better understanding of what to apply it to is the added help. If the thought isn't cast down to the obedience of Christ , one ...

Stuck On Stupid (part 1)

Of course we don't think of ourselves as ever being stuipid. It's always the other guy... and yet without telling anyone some of our actions makes the other guy feel better. I cannot count how many times I have heard the most selfish, arrogant, foolish, things people say and do in  regular conversation. Not the clients I've counseled; not really television; everyday lives of people calling themselves Christian with justifications (sounds like excuses) for doing and believing such nonsense. And then when you ask them to give you scripture (our guide for living) and they get angry at you - like you asked for something crazy! Just because it might sound cool or it makes you feel better when you are angry does not mean we let those words come out of our mouths. We think good things and speak good things. You know, God being good and the greater one on the inside of you or should I just remind you of what your mother use to say: if you don't have anything nice to say, don...

Stuck on Stupid (part 2)

Is it unfathomable that Wisdom could watch the stupidity of others and say nothing? Some have turned from the truth looking to hear that which tickles the ears (2 Timothy 4:3-4 AMP). They heard instruction that would be to their benefit and also to their families, but that would mean giving up what God says not to do. Which also arises question as to why when receiving correction one tries to bombard the issue of all that one cannot do living in Christ as opposed to being disciplined to receive the abundance that is available just for the asking? Wisdom gives such poignant lessons throughout the Word and especially in the book of Proverbs. In studying this book, it should convince those who are marrying for the soul purpose of self gratification to step back and take a good look at who is leading and to where (Proverbs 11:3 AMP). The personalities of people are well disguised in making a good first impression (and months afterward). The signs of the true character cannot help ...

Alright Ladies, This is For You

When do you believe it is the time to change for a man? When he tells you to? When you find that the things you do irritate him? When you are already married and there is nothing you do that seems to be right? When he takes his fist and beats you like he created you or has every right to retrain you different from your parents? Tough questions? No what is tough is to hear the wrong answers. It is what I asked and heard as I counseled women who were victims of domestic violence. I know, I know there is no reason to get so deep on such a light matter as dating; afterall what Christian man who fears the Lord would do such a thing to someone else's daughter? Believe it or not, it happens and more so than we would care to think. The worst of it is the "Christian" label makes it more of a reason for it to be hush-hush. But I was thinking, the more I have seen in the church the way some people reason like the world, the more I wondered if there is some other mess that has filt...