
Showing posts from June, 2011

The Influence of Change

My mother used to tell me when I left the house to go to school, that I and my siblings are representing the family and for us to behave accordingly; reason being, we don't know who is watching us and lives can be changed by the way we conduct ourselves. As children this didn't mean as much to me as it did when I became a young adult and saw one of my high school friends recognize me while I was in church. We had not seen each other for a few years. When she saw me, she hugged me and began telling me her horrific story when we were both attending the same school. When she finished all that she said, she concluded with, "it was the conversations we had that got me through it." Personally, it freaked me out a little. The responsibility of what my mother repeated over and over again just became real. That's the changing we all do as children. Thinking that we are so cool until something hits you like a Mack (c) truck, then all of the teaching we have had over the y...

Chubby Chasers

This might sting for some believers but read through it anyway; I don't like writing fluff pieces. The purpose for this blog is for edification, exhortation, and comfort. Having to be one of many needing to lose a few pounds, when I heard that there were men who liked women with something they could hold on to, I actually took a sigh of relief. So much pressure to be a certain size had left and for awhile I could concentrate on other matters that got me from point A to point B ( Matthew 6:25-34 AMP ). But then, I got deeper in the Word of God, gained some knowledge, and received an education. Because of my career choice coupled with the anointing, I observed more then I ever could before. I then wondered if I could speak to a handful of those Chubby Chasers individually, what would I find? First, I understood how I felt when approached by an interested man. There was something he liked that allowed  him to be confident in coming toward me and asking my name. Eventually, I had t...

What About the Second Time Around?

Alright he/she has been married before and now has learned a few things about relationships he/she didn't know before. They have seen the so called marital bliss light and decided to give it another go. However, he/she has done this, you are convinced (if you aren't the one that did the convincing) and now you have decided to propose or you said yes. You know there is a whole plethora of things you, as a believer, have to ask and do before actually walking down that aisle - right? First, I can't believe you think this is a made in the shade deal when the other person has done this before. What are you thinking? And if the other person has children, whether in that person's physical custody or not, its another load of drama because there is another adult with feelings and a history you have to acknowledge that he/she does really exist. Then those children, those tiny little reminders of a life before he/she knew you. A life with another person who looks like one or  tw...

A Heart Condition

A young man has this fledgling relationship that he has dubbed her to his family as the one . He caters to her every whim and as most relationships are in the first year, it is incredible! She has a career and her focus is clear as to how to obtain her long range goals. The same is for him. but then, because of outstanding traffic tickets, the police stops this young man for the last time. He is taken to jail and his car is confiscated. He doesn't call his parents for bail but his incredible girlfriend who happens to be the one . When she comes to bail him out, of course, they have a discussion and more then likely find that it is the first time they discover some information he wasn't at all willing to divulge. A history of traffic tickets is a flaw. Finding that the tickets were because of non-registered plates, not having insurance, and a warrant for not appearing in court is also a means to reconsider one or two of those future goals. He might have discovered that she chang...

Presentation Is Everything!

This is a phrase that is used in the catering and food industry when they are trying to increase sales. Food photographers learn tricks to make a hamburger more appealing in a picture by painting the meat and vegetables with oil. This way the veggies look fresh and the meat looks juicy. They also use this phrase when selling property. Many times on the more high end properties, real estate brokers will hire interior decorators to stage the house to make it look more like a home so when potential buyers come to view the property, the presentation makes it more appealing for them to envision themselves living in the house. Its all for the purpose of the outward appearance of a thing. Is the food good for you? Will the house have the type of strong structure that will withstand 30 more years of wear and tear? Who knows? All they are looking for is to sell a bill of goods. Whether you do what you are suppose to do is completely up to you ( Matthew 6:33 KJV ). Now, let's see how God ...


My purpose for writing this blog in particular came about when I realized how I had been manipulated into deciding major events in my life based on what I believed the Lord would have me to do. Than I read the Word for myself and found otherwise ( 2 Timothy 2:15-16 KJV ). In reading some of the entries, my voice may have sounded anything else but cheerful and calm. Reason being, in recalling specific times, I felt the need to convey as much as possible in hopes that none of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ would ever have to go through what I have been through. I am hoping that the way is paved with so much clarity, there is no doubt that you are doing exactly what God has called you to do and no one could ever convince you otherwise ( Ephesians 4;13-15 KJV ). With that in mind, I also realize that with the Holy Spirit guiding me to write what I do, I am learning of where I have some cleaning to do in my own prayer closet. For instance, this past Memorial Day weekend, I went ...