The Mean Addict
I know I continually refer to childhood things, but it is those events in our childhood that we remember and has assisted shaping us into being the people that we are. We all remember the groups of the "in" crowd, the geeks, and the athletes. We all had them. But then there was the one crowd that even a movie was based and some of the sitcoms as well, they were the mean girls. These girls wore the best of everything, had the latest gadgets, and if they spoke to you it was to get information, berate what you were wearing, or just be obnoxious. If you don't recall such a group - you might want to look in the mirror when you reminisce. Nevertheless, the mean girls were usually the cheerleaders or majorettes or the group too cool to be weird but didn't have a direction in their lives. Still, they were envied and revered. They didn't bother the athletes too much because they wished to be the dates of most of them or were already dating them. Funny how they influenc...