
Showing posts from April, 2014

He Gets a Pass?

How does that work? Please explain it to me so I can be as meek and humble as you are ( Matthew 11:29 AMP ). Isn't that the reason you gave him a pass? I mean, you are trying your level best to live accordingly and he has been on you like he'll keel over and die if he doesn't get his next "love" fix. So why does he get a pass to go off and do what he does with someone else but is still engaged to be married to you? Boys will be boys is a subject matter I wrote about in this very blog some years ago. In it, we actually wrestle with the foolishness that a woman desires to have a boy in a relationship. She needs a man. Boys aren't responsible or disciplined. Just look at a bunch of teens. Every freaking thing is funny and they think their exploits are original and cool. My point being, to hit it and quit it is something a boy is expected to do. He doesn't care. A woman seeing those characteristics won't stick around to see what the end results might ...

Your Standards

One lesson that has been driven home for me over the years is to never settle for less than what you are believing for. Would that also be true for a life long mate and can women have those standards as well? You better believe we can and yes, it is most important for any life altering decision! Do you think if you don't lower your expectations, you will never be married? Puh-leeze, there are plenty of scallywags and dregs of society that are more than willing to take you for everything you have. Some take longer then others. In order to have that sort of future, go ahead without God. Crap will find you. You become a magnet for it. There is a  hoity-toity minister that announced every time she asks God for something she gets it. She then told us all that she wishes to be married and asked God for a husband. Don't get me started on the kind of faith she was using to make that announcement rather then keeping her request between her and God. Anyway, she concluded with that s...

Service With A Smile

Why would you think as soon as you find the person you are to marry that your services are no longer to submit to your husband when he is looking for you to be. But what about his service? Is he not to love his wife as Christ loves the church ( Ephesians 5:25 AMP )? What does he think that means? Jesus served. He washed the feet of the disciples ( John 13:5-10 AMP ). He humbled himself. When a man reminds his wife about submission, does that sound like what Jesus did with the church? Jesus said that He came not to condemn man but for man to have life and have it more abundantly ( John 3:17 AMP ). Does the man have that same characteristic when he interacts with her? If he doesn't have it while dating, he won't be this way during the marriage. If you served before dating, why do you think it changes? This is more true of men then it is of women. Women know that men need help. We are conditioned to serve. Why don't men have this same training? I recall a young man telli...


Really? When two Christian people decide to date, does this subject come up? How? Why? Isn't it already understood that one doesn't date just to fill time or to comfort one's loins? Isn't it already established that Christians date for the purposes of marriage? Have I been wasting my time for the last 4 years with this blog? These questions must show the frustration that ministers go through saying the same things over and over again in hopes that the listeners have done just that. Yet Paul experienced the same aggravation when asking if one has to go back to the milk of the Word because you have become dull in your spiritual walk ( Hebrews 5:11-14 AMP ). And yet teen pregnancy is on the rise. My son and cousin said to me, "...well, you know, people are people." Its not all that profound and I don't think either of them were trying to be. Even in context, its just as simple as it is. However, as I said to them, as true as that might be, there is a ce...