It is the end of the year and most of us would make an account of what we have done in the last of these 365 days. We will smile at some of it and maybe some of those other things... well, its best we not think of them anymore ( Philippians 4:8 KJV ). You know, the stuff that we wish we should have said, should have done, could have done, if it were only for not having this or that. Those are called regrets. For a practicing born again believer, there is no place for any regrets. We have to see them as lessons that will not be repeated. The experience has taught us that given the same opportunity, we will react differently. Emotion will take a back seat to Christian principles , love , and wisdom . These are the things we have practiced to the point of them being habits. This is what we renewed our minds for. Honestly, having that understanding is half the battle in that spiritual warfare we call the evil nature. Its what used to be our rationality basing on what we see , rat...