
Showing posts from September, 2009


Before Michael Jackson used that word (history) for one of his CD sleeves, my mother was given that word by God in a manner that was a message in of itself. History is His story. His; meaning Jesus. We know His history for it is what we have built our faith. He hid nothing yet the mystery The Word speaks of is the search for the Kingdom Life at the ready for those who believe (Mark 4:11 KJV). I have to refer to that pastor I mentioned in previous posts who was teaching on his rules to Christian dating because he couldn't find such things in the scriptures. He said that those who are purposed in their heart to marry (paraphrasing) should be able to talk about their relationship history. Reason being, the intended should never be confronted  and shocked by someone stating intimate details of the past to make it seem as though it is current. Meaning, people get jealous and they tell one another. If these tales gets back to an ex (one that's been sexual) and it breaks up the cur...


What caused you to invite that specific woman for a date? Why did he ask you out? If asked, would you have an acceptable answer? I have asked my date what was he thinking when asking me out. I have a number of answers; however, knowing now what I do as opposed to then, none of those answers would be acceptable for a 2nd or 3rd date much less a conversation over the phone. They were charming, smooth and well rehearsed with every intention on getting one thing. I know what you are thinking, " yeah, but you did go out with them ." Again, I know better and much to your chagrin - no I didn't, but that's a completely different post all in of itself . This topic is about recognizing someone who likes to take advantage. Probably a wolf in the making, though not entirely; just as exhausting to deal with. At my job, there is a woman who is legally blind (this means she can see images though not clearly enough to correct with prescriptive glasses). I answer emergency calls ...

Calling a Spade a Spade

Having established that there is a difference in dating the way the world does it and God's way, us, ladies must also realize and be determined to live by that women were made for men and not the other way around. It was taught that women can do it all; however, out of that change, the Word continues to remain the same. Can we still do all that we have discovered and remain holy and acceptable unto God? Of course, God wishes above all things that His beloved (us) be in health and prosper even as our soul prospers (3 John 2 KJV). It is that abundant life. Having read that, continue to have that frame of mind when finishing this post. We (men and women) have also come to terms that desperation is for fools and God did not raise us to be that way. So leave those thoughts of no more good men/women left, that biological clock, and if you don't have sex soon you will die, to those who are without. Fulfilling those fears will only lead you to having to answer to others and there ...

You Are Going to Love ME!

I haven't quite figured out yet why people stay in a place where they are no longer needed, wanted or loved. It is a conundrum and must be dealt with so that each and everyone of us in Christ can be redirected to those relationships that do us the most good and stayed on the plain path of righteousness. I worked in a place where the owner of the business finds that in order for me to remain I would have to take additional classes for him to keep his license and keep operational. I resented his request for me to go back to school being an excellent employee of a complete year and upon hire, it seemed my degree and experience was more than enough. Once I graduated (2 years prior from obtaining this job) I wasn't all that eager to go back. He said nothing else about it and neither did I. A month later my administrative assistant tells me that the owner is interviewing for my job. I confronted him and he confirmed the rumor. He said that because I didn't give him a clear ind...

The Purpose

There used to be a generation where dates were orchestrated through parents having invested much time in their children and viewed as a precious commodities. Parents spoke to other insightful parents to see what were the values of the family before even considering the children to meet each other much less date. If the parents didn't agree instead of feuding they did not speak at all. This would have been the civil thing to do; however many did feud hence the story of Romeo and Juliet, the Hatfields and the McCoys, and so forth and so on. Times have since changed with the scripture stating there will be mothers against daughters and fathers against sons ( Luke 12:53 AMP ); children do as they please without wise counsel. Dating has become a prelude to sex rather than prospects to marriage; which, for a Christian, is the purpose for dating. When going to a movie, play, or show, we tend to look to be entertained. Our concentration is on what the tickets were purcha...

Test Taking TIme

Ah tests, remember you were given tests in school to prove to your teacher (as well as her supervisor) that she was doing her job and you were actually retaining the information. God does the same thing. Where do you think they learned it from - lol? You learn something new from Him; whether it is applying the Word to the problem or Him telling you something is being stirred up, how you handle it determines whether you proceed to the next level or ready to go back around that mountain. In the dating scene the tests are given to potential mates by the other just to see what the temperament, attitude, problem solving skills, discipline to temptation, or if  there are any impulsive tendencies. These tests are not isolated to women administering them to men; whichever the case, it's a universal no-no. Yup, there are entirely too many people that believe it is the norm to give such an exam to see the potential the individual has to be a mate. Who taught this lesson to do and wh...

The Foundation

In the dating basics what should already be laid before building of anything is a sure foundation. The Word tells us that if a house is built on sand it will fold at the first gust of wind but built on a rock will cause the house to stand in the midst of a storm ( Luke 6:47-49 AMP ). In Christianity, the rock to which I am referring is Love. Without love there is no Christianity. All of the works, thoughts, and gestures mean nothing. The Word tells us this ( 1 John 2:5-6 AMP). There must be some sort of practice set for this walk of love by which we can hang all of the commandments and the prophets on: to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, and strength; also to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves ( Matthew 22:37-40 AMP ). This constant practice makes life so much easier. It is a little rocky at first much like a baby trying to take his first steps but just like the baby enduring those toddling years eventually walking is a habit and soon to be on his way runnin...

Dating Basics

Hi, this will be the first of many entries to this blog. The topic of Christian Dating came about looking at the younger generation as a mother,  former Youth Specialist, and eventually Social Worker repeating oneself in the Human Professional field is inevitable. Remembering a childhood who parents were of the generation, "do what I say and don't ask any questions," or recollecting personal instruction (or lack thereof), in my generation - I couldn't be alone. In gathering information and playing around with a manuscript while in the library, a woman passed by the sketches and material seeing the title. She oohed and asked if there was going to be a chapter on co-habitating. Pausing for a moment, where would that fit in Christian dating? This is the question that precipitated the purpose for the blog.  Know that everything you will be reading, you might not like (it might even make you angry). That's okay. There is no way this is trying to spiritually feed you d...