Did You Ever Like History - or Her Story?
In grade school I couldn't understand the purpose of history. Was it going to make the present better or make a bleak future exciting? Do we decide not to repeat it or find ways better for the next generation? Those questions weren't answered. It was just a barrage of facts or false documents for a group of children to believe who would rather still be playing at recess. Is the attitude still there when we hear the past life of the person we are dating? How interesting is it? Does it change the present for the both of you? Will it make the future better or are you ready to get through it so you can go and "play"? Actually, it should be fascinating to know if there is mental illness, alcohol or drug abuse, and a past of chronic smokers. Doctors ask these questions and more because they can determine the mortality of an individual. What they don't teach (well, not any doctors I have seen) is that family pre-determines the behavior of an indicvidual. If the behav...