
Showing posts from 2012

That's Triflin'

During the holidays, family members gather around for food, fellowship, and fun. There are those times when the festivities come to a drone and certain members start to really talk to catch up with one and another to see how everything has been. Someone got a promotion while another just finished college and going on to get a Master's degree or better yet, their PhD. Some adulate while others turn green with envy. You have the-use-to-be-gorgeous cousin has now gained a few with children and was jilted once again but she's bouncing back slowly but surely. And then you've got the screw up that finally got his head out of the sand, decided on a career, and did something about it. At hearing the news, you take a deep sigh of relief that prayers have finally been answered... and then you listen to the rest of the review. He choose a career that he is interested in and would truly be a part of the corporate world. He has his own place and has been paying his bills regularly ( Pro...

Holiday Blues and Ready to Send Pity Party Invites

Having "the holiday blahs" is not something that just came about. Its been going on for some time. The recognition of it is relatively new...well, if you consider the last 20-30 years new. The realization of such the condition more then likely had been snubbed or left on the shelf with the resolve being to just get over it already, or go take a nap and get with it, or here are some tranquilizers (which seemed to be the answer to anything that ailed you back in the 60's), you'll be fine. These panacea like answers were created because what the therapists and counselors were dealing with were so much more important than just having the blues. These days "the blahs" are considered a form of depression. Now there are varying levels of this condition and with these varying levels come more advice, more hours with the doctor and certainly more medication. Also the medical profession take this condition much more seriously and in turn with their advice, the pati...

A Pre-Nuptial Before The Nuptials (Part 3)

We all change. For whatever the reason, we will all change. Some will change for the better. Some have lost their lives because the changes they decided upon was  for the worse. As we grow, we change. From zygotes to fetus. When the fetus is too big for its surroundings birth happens. The baby grows from the bassinette to a crib, from a crib to a bed. The change happens from diapers to training pants and then to actual underwear. A baby is carried for a little while. When he/she has a desire to walk but can only crawl until changing of his/her body develops to be strong enough to toddle, then walk, and eventually run. The process of change is inevitable. We look at children and assume that certain cognitive behaviors and motor skills are already in place based on age and emotional development. If the child acts outside of what is expected, the parent's concern causes for tests to be taken to find what the issue (if any) could be. Sometimes, its arrested development brought on ...

A Pre-Nuptial Before The Nuptials (Part 2)

First, let's finally put to rest that the woman was not the reason for the fall of man. I recall blaming Eve for the cramps I endured every month. I was a child and my information was in error. Let it be known, man was created first. He was given a job to do. God brought things to man, Adam, to be named ( Genesis 2:19-20 AMP ). The woman wasn't named until after the fall ( Genesis 3:20 AMP ). That is one act of disobedience from the man. God told Adam to protect the garden. The woman was having a conversation with the serpent. The serpent had a name; therefore, Adam saw the serpent before. The serpent did not speak to Adam. In speaking to the woman only was rude and a violation. This was not being protected. That's the second act of disobedience before the fall of man. God told Adam not to touch the tree of good and evil ( Genesis 2:16-17 AMP ). I would speculate for one not to touch it, there had to be some distance from it so not even the slightest mistake could occur...

A Pre-Nuptial Before The Nuptials (Part 1)

It is a topic that appears to be taboo in the Christian sect. Women don't wish to speak on the matter these days because most have not come to the point of being the major bread winner in the household. It is also taught to women that such a contract would cause for divorce to be eminent. A pre-nuptial agreement was created to protect his assets if the marriage doesn't work out. If she has grown accustomed to a certain life style and would he have been able to provide for such the lifestyle if it weren't for her? A question that is argued over and over again. Most of the time the woman loses. Her identity and what she has done as his wife is then valued. With his well paid lawyers, her worth is evaluated with no consideration to what she went through with her soon to be ex. In the end, she has a pittance of what she is due and he can pick up and start a new while she (usually with children) will have to struggle to come out even ( 1 Timothy 5:8 KJV ). This is why the top...

Do You Know What Time It Is? Did You Ever?

The emphasis that has been put on quirky habits have been minimal. In this blog, they have been stressed. Why? Because the world allows excuses for poor behavior when the Word gets to the root of the matter so that we can all turn from those wicked ways ( Luke 15:10 AMP ). Wicked? Isn't that a little harsh? Is divorce harsh? Seriously, the complaints heard over the years don't make sense until you have been through what the complaining is about. What's more is the one complaining only tells one side of the story. The complainer has no participation in what caused the problem and the resolve only benefits the one complaining. Neither party will allow the will of the other ( James 5:9 AMP ). Both, having oppositional views, believe each independent of the other, is right. Where's the love in that? That same love that will carry you through or above any obstacle. What happened to that ( Colossians 3:13 AMP )? When did things change? Read the changes that ha...

Its Not About The Money?

Seriously? Let's be realistic. We know what to say and do in Christ ( Matthew 22:37-40 AMP ). We also know what not to say and do to maintain righteousness ( 2 Timothy 2:22 AMP ). We also know that the love of money is the root of all evil ( 1 Timothy 6:10 AMP ). Having that foundation, let's rip off the rose colored glasses, turn on some light and get really real up in here! Chemistry, butterfly feelings, what you think is the move of the Holy Spirit, and all of else that floats your boat, isn't at all what this post is about. The entire blog is about being real when all of the tulle and satin bow-ties have been put away. No one is talking about the reception anymore and the flash mob scene for the proposal has been done to the point of it being a cliche. This blog is about all that must be in the plan during the process of dating. From the right questions to the course of action for the two becoming one years later after walking down the aisle and everything in betwe...

He's Really A Good Guy, But....

There is this sentence I have heard parents describing their sons, girlfriends describing their exes or baby's daddy, or current wives describing their husbands, not realizing that the moment they use the word but , it completely diminishes whatever good thing that was said previously. Was that intentional? First, it is a topic that has been taught before. Its been discussed and in some cases completely disregarded because of the state of the individual interested in getting into a relationship for the purposes of marriage. There are steps necessary to find if the guy is really good or just pretending to be ( Luke 6:45 AMP ). I just thought of another reason for the disregard to instruction ( Proverbs 10:17 AMP ). It is the definition I use for good. It would seem the meeting of the standard would be an extreme and therefore doesn't wish to try. The standard being...God. It is written, God is good. Because He created man in His image, He expects for man to return to the basi...

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Says who? This is some thing that has been perpetuated in the world but has no place in the hearts of true believers. Anything said often enough can be accepted but it doesn't mean it is the truth. If you accept such a statement, it should also convey 3 other things about you: 1. You have not studied the Word for yourself. 2. You don't know who you are in Christ. 3. You have very little faith in God through Christ Jesus. For some reason, things have been twisted. Why would any woman be on the look out or is using whatever means she can to find any man? Why isn't her efforts put to better use? Is the reason why she is on "the hunt" because she considers herself virtuous, wise, and good? She has cleaned all of her skeletons from her closet, she has finished the assignment God has given to her, and she has thoughtfully considered her ways. So instead of waiting for patience to have her perfect work, she has decided to do it her way? What do you think the product...

Are You Feeling Sexy?

What does that mean? How does one feel sexy? Is that the same feeling as lustful or feeling like having sex? I suppose we could understand this from a fleshly perspective with completely different answers. Would these answers be pleasing to God? Of course not, seeing that it is required for us to walk in the Spirit so not to fulfill the lust of the flesh. So then, can a Christian feel sexy with the understanding of that scripture? One of the streams of my financial income is using the talent God gave me to draw. The style I so enjoy is Art Nouveau. In this style there are lots of portraits, females, hair, and flowers. It is very stylistic, ornate, and most definitely feminine. In trying to establish my niche, making the style of Art Nouveau my own, I was inspired to draw several women with flower borders. I drew them in black ink and colored the lips in variations of red and pink. Upon completion, I had more then enough portraits to create a calendar . A woman looked at my illustr...

Its Costly Not Sweating The Small Stuff

As the saying goes, don't sweat the small stuff . It sounds good in theory; yet, the Word tells us that its the little foxes that spoil the vine. That is the real truth. We don't think about it much - truth be told, we disregard the small things altogether, especially when we have our own plans to do this or that. In the arena of Christian dating, our focus is for the purposes of marriage. So when there are itty-bitty things like ...oh, I don't know...uh, ...say like, not knowing what utensil to use at a 4 star restaurant or blowing your nose in a cloth napkin at the dinner table or talking to your date while the movie is going on or texting in the middle of conversation or discussing business instead of being interested in the date or trying to get the cheapest parking spot no matter how far away from the venue or taking out a bunch of coupons to pay for dinner or planning for a date with no car or scratching yourself (jock itch) when meeting the parents or asking inappr...

The Sinner With Religious Ways

Too many people are mistaken with what faith is as opposed to being religious. When someone emphasizes that he/she has emphatically attended a specific thing religiously, it is supposed to mean  that the person watched over it more than just daily. It is a term used casually, yet we all know what is meant by it. Unfortunately, no matter how often a person attends church services, 365 days of the year and twice on Sunday, it does not mean he/she is a person of faith or has pleased God under any stretch of the imagination. Often people have been convinced because someone has been raised in church from the time of being a newborn into adult hood, has learned the bible belt lingo, along with how to do the "Holy Spirit" dance, and has his/her own way of "hooping" when speaking of the goodness of God - its still not the tell all sign of a person being a true Christian ( Matthew 7:15-20 AMP ). I know of a person who delighted in the Jehovah's Witness members comin...