Just To Be Close
I think we all have a need to be loved and/or wanted. It seems to be basic and really understandable. Have couples come together with this understanding? Have they fared well? Was God pleased when these two met each other; one hoping to be needed and the other wanting to be loved? Don't those 2 words just euphemize desperation? The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want ...., it is written. My God supplies all of my needs according to His riches in glory...., is is written . ...whatever state you are in, be content... it is written. So how then could God be pleased or the couple do well in the relationship if there is no faith in what God said is already yours in Him? Now love, that's a different matter altogether. Why would a Christian believe he/she isn't loved? I counseled such a person and I couldn't understand why she would say such a thing. I didn't have anything at the ready for her because I assumed if you claim to be a Christian, of course you have ...