You So Crazy?

When I was in grade school, there was this guy. He didn't belong in our home room and he was driving his own teacher nuts, but he would come to my home room because he liked our teacher and the teacher liked him. His name was Danny. He was just hysterically funny. When class was about to start, our teacher seemed to hate to send Danny on his way, but he had to so work could get done. Danny liked to play and would have the entire class rolling in laughter. His home room teacher was very strict and didn't tolerate Danny's antics.

In high school, there was a guy who liked to play around and joke too, only he waited when we had extracurricular activities like bowling or the school newspaper before he would start on his tirade of mischief. He was funny too and everyone around him seemed to always have a good time.

There was this other guy from the church I used to attend, every now and again, he would come to visit my family and I. His name was Leon. My Mom would invite him to stay for dinner. In conversation, his thought processes were so out in left field that it was comical. It would be in the wee hours of the evening and our stomachs would be sore from laughter. We didn't wish for the evening to end and extended another invitation for Leon to come and visit us anytime. He did a few times more and each visit, he failed to disappoint with comedy (Proverbs 17:22 AMP).

In those scenarios, I was a minor. The funny people in the first 2 were minors too. But Leon, he was about 10 years older then me. The other difference between Leon and the other 2, he knew when to say when. He knew that too much was going to wear out his welcome even though he was loving all of the attention. Who do you know that acts like this?  Is it you (Proverbs 25:17 AMP)?

About 20 years ago women would describe the perfect man as someone who could make them laugh. It seemed to be so important to have that sense of humor. In listening to these older women at the time, I figured they knew what they were talking about until knowing a woman who married a former class clown. Him still needing the affirmation of being funny while his wife seemingly rolled her eyes incessantly while doing the household chores or tending to the children. She didn't think he was cute, funny, or charming anymore. She had to at one time though. When did it stop (1 Corinthians 13:11 AMP)?

I allowed for this particular entry to this blog, sit for awhile to see if my view would change. I thought I was being a little prudish seeing that so many women my age required for there to be this sense of humor as a part of the crucial attributes in a contender for husband material. It was a number 5 in a list of 10 things (or higher).

Make no mistake, it is a wonderful thing when 2 people agree and can laugh at the same things, but wouldn't you find that when your interests are compatible? The married woman would more than likely enjoy her husband's sense of humor too (because it is the same as her's). She was probably relishing in being the center of attention and knowing that there would be women that envied her. Most women hope to be the center of attention is his desire and not any other. Would this be true if the "other" is ministry?

There are those that find keeping appearances to maintain ministry as being more important than the relationship with whom he/she promised to God to have and hold until death do you part. There is this well known (former) couple that had not been married for long. There were so many sermons about marriage, the spouse, and that God would soon bring in their ministries as single preachers. When it happened, it was such a celebration. People came from miles to join in on the blessing that God had poured out to them. The couple had received many gifts and accolades. It was beyond what they could have hoped for. But when all of the sequins and streamers were put away and there were no microphones turned on, the couple had nothing but each other for the rest of their lives. Why then did reporters receive videos of the couple arguing in the parking lot and being physically abusive? What happened to the love, the sense of humor, the blessing of finding each other? What happened to all of the messages and sermons given to the congregation about living the Christian life and walking in love? Aren't we all supposed to be do-ers of the Word first and foremost before ministry and everything else? What happened?

You see, the world will say something that sounds good but has nothing to do with the Word of God, "the heart wants, what the heart wants (Ephesians 2:1-10 AMP)." But Jesus said to follow me all of those who are heavy laden. He said come unto Me and I will give you rest. He warned us to walk in the Spirit and in that way, you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16 AMP). We crucify the flesh daily so not to trip in those areas because we have been forewarned to. If we follow these precepts on a regular basis, would it be easier to make those mistakes or more difficult? Look at it from the perspective of a baby crawling. The only reason the baby crawls is because the equilibrium, muscle development, and coordination has not come of age for the baby to begin walking. Once those skills have been practiced, the tumbling and stumbling stop (fewer mistakes). Once walking is mastered, running comes next. That baby doesn't go back to crawling unless playing a game or needing to get where stooping is required. The point being, ministers know this already. It is why they will be judge by a different standard. For them to believe otherwise is just crazy! 


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