It’s Hard Work?

 This is another myth that has seeped into the church. Whether it was idle gossip, regurgitated sermons that were not prayed upon or researched before serving to the congregation, or just plain ignorance, it is a reason to stir the slurry and find the truth to be set free.

Now let’s begin where God saw Adam and said it was not good for him to be alone (Genesis 2:18 AMP). The solution that God decided upon was to create woman. Please go over that chapter of scriptures before sending me your angry emails. It was not my decision to make woman for man.... ok? Go to God with your rant.

So, there she is. She is woman. What do you want her to do Adam? He yells out (in my mind), “...bone of my bone. Flesh of my flesh...” Was that an answer? Yeah, I won’t go through all of that again. If you would like to read the verses and my issues with what I have been taught about Adam, please go to this link here and here.

Nevertheless, the 2 of them together were to replenish the earth and continue with the tasks that God gave Adam to complete. It was a recipe to have a successful, non-volatile, blissful life. Why would God, the definition of good, wish anything less for you? He wouldn’t. How do I know? Because at the end of those 6 days, He said that it is good (Genesis 2:3 AMP). So...what happened?

Let me paint my picture (you know how I do). I use to be one of twelve women that made up the staff of twelve wards of the court. They were teenage girls. Survivors of all sorts of atrocities that parents could do to children (or not to do, which ever the case maybe). Therefore the training that you and I take for granted is lost with them. One afternoon, I began my shift, and I had not eaten all day. I came in early with a chicken snack just so I could take the time to have a bite to eat while listening to what the previous shift had been through. Also during this time some of the residents were busy getting some of their chores completed. Most of them felt comfortable with the staff. It is our job for them to be comfortable so we can assist in helping them resolve issues and teaching them to do the same for themselves. Anyway, on this particular day, Sharon, one of the residents, saw me eating my food. Always hungry, but also half finishing her chore in the bathroom, she came into the office to see what she could get from me. I tried to finish before she saw me. I failed. Like a cat, she spoke to the other staff and slowly made her way to me. She struck up conversation. I spoke between bites. While talking and when she thought I was distracted (and I was), she put her bathroomy finger on a piece of chicken from the carton that the rest of my meal was in and asked, “were you planning on eating that?” Of course I was and she knew that. She also knew that I have issues with germs, washing hands, and most assuredly touching anything that belongs to me. She risked it. The room got quiet. I could have went on a rant and punished her. I could have thrown the chicken away so she couldn't have it either. I could have gone into lecture mode making it a life learning moment. Instead, I allowed her to have the food she touched but gave her a stern warning.

You see, when you are young, you go after the things you see. Though it be superficial, it doesn't matter. It is what you want ...right now and no matter what it may cost; even if it means being thoughtless to others. It is important for an immature person to be seen and to be given affirmation for what he/she is wearing, how good the hair looks, or for the new gadget that is currently trending and in his/her possession. There has to come a time when these materialistic things don't matter. Priorities have to be placed. There has to be a time of reassessing one's life. Fixing the mistakes made and to never repeat them. Learn those life lessons and retain the information (Hebrews 12:10-11 AMP). Make being mature the new air that you breathe. You don't think about breathing, do you? You don't think about walking. Your hygiene is a matter of simplicity. Why? Because you know that it is good to do. It is acceptable to have these habits and they are beneficial for you to keep them in practice. There has to be some sort of discipline in place for this to happen on a regular basis. It was like doing push-ups for the first time. You grunted and may have complained but you didn't stop because you understood the outcome is the goal you've envisioned (Hebrews 12:4-9 AMP). It is what's motivating you to stay on course. When you think about it, you realize it wasn't as hard as you thought it could be. With that thought, should come a smile.

So to incorporate another person into your life - marriage. This is a life altering decision....or is it? We have discussed being equally yoked as opposed to an unequal yoked union. We also know that opposites attracting is pure insanity! If the other person went through the discipline you went through and is equally yoked with you...there is agreement (Amos 3:3 KJV). Where is the hard work? Why have you been repeating the mantra of the world? Marriage IS hard work for the world. God would that all men be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-6 KJV). You know this. Selah.


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