That Mutha-f****** Piece of S***!

I was on my way to work and as much as I like to drive, there is a pet peeve of mine when people think that they can drive up to the fender of a car ahead of them to intimidate the driver to move out of the way rather than the aggressive driver moving he/she does vehicle acrobatics by driving right up close to the fender ahead so they can swerve in the next lane barely missing the next car ahead and the other driver in the next lane. I patiently wait for them to see that what they were hoping for me to do, is not going to happen. I then call them something (ungodly) in my car with the windows rolled up. Knowing that just me and God heard what was said, does that make it more or less alright?
                                   Ugh, it’s not a big deal! Stop making mountains out of nothing!

The Word tells us to refrain from evil speaking (Psalms 34:13-14 KJV). 

But it’s the Old Testament so what does that command have to do with the here and now? 

This is the attitude of some of us today and what was prophesied for the last days. In the Old Testament the Word gives a list of the things not to eat (Leviticus 11:1-23 AMP). In the New Testament Peter has a dream where the Lord tells him that he can eat those things now. Immediately, Peter answers that he will not defile his body (Acts 10:9-16 AMP). Why would that be Peter’s reaction when he knows he heard from God? Could there be a defilement of the body in doing the things that were commanded for us not to do originally? Does it seem too far fetched for these days and times when we know and understand so much about nutrition, walking in the Spirit, and the things that God hates?

Just before Jesus was about to be crucified, He told Peter that he would deny the Lord 3 times (Matthew 26:69-74 AMP). Peter continually professed that he would never do that (the irony, Peter was doing it in that conversation too). When the time came and Peter denied the Lord, he did so because he was scared that the people would consider crucifying him also because he came from Galilee. In fact, the people were looking at the mannerisms of Peter. Recall he was with the Lord the most and acted very much like Him. So to prove that he wasn’t like the Lord, he used profanity and the people….were convinced(Matthew 26:73 NIV).

Let’s bring this home to where it fits in with Christian dating and more to the point how you frame the world. If you are considered to be the perfect match as a spouse, yet using profanity is a small matter that is looked over for the moment, know that it is the small foxes that spoil the vine. Also understand what Peter did and what you have minimized for all of these years? Peter was the disciple that spent the most time with God (other than Jesus). Doesn’t God tell us to be thou holy for I am holy (1 Peter 1:16 AMP)? Doesn’t He tells us to meditate in the Word day and night then you shall have good success and eat the fat of the land (Joshua 1:8 AMP)? Therefore, of course, he was going to look more like Jesus. Act more like Jesus. Speak more like Jesus. Dress more like Jesus. Be more like Jesus! When he used profanity, he denied Jesus. 

So what have you been saying? Who do you think you are fooling? If it’s easier to speak profanity each and every time (especially when angry), who are you representing? Selah.


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