
Showing posts from September, 2024

Hitching Your Wagon

Having the proper tools to do a specific job, makes the task easier than not. If you had a car slipping into a lake and someone came running with a stick to offer assistance, you'd wonder what was he planning on doing (unless he's McGyver)? Yet, there are those that believe they can try and manage when there is a better way. We know of the parable of the house built on a sure foundation and when the storms come which home will sway and which will hold firm ( Matthew 7:24-27 AMP ). Could this describe you? If so, would this description also be true for every aspect of your life? The title of this entry is really a question: who have you hitched your wagon to? Given the same opportunity with the knowledge you have today, would you do it again? Have you done it before? What did you learn? The information in this post came from watching video shorts. There were these men, camping or fishing. They were trying to get a boat pulled out of the water and onto the hitch (carrier) to secu