The Background Check

The wonderful world of technology has opened up so many different devices and strategies to use for business, school, understanding economy, investments, social media, and personal relationships. But along with the wonderfulness of what can be discovered, there are those who don't have the best of intentions like the cyber-hacks, social media trolls, the Karen/Kevin types, and those that make a profit from the stress of all of it.

I recall hearing a sermon about getting all of the information one can get about a person before going out on a date by using the internet. The sermon expounded on believing that the internet has all of the necessary tidbits one needs. Granted, finding that a person is an ex-felon convicted of a host of crimes maybe information he/she needed to know. He, the speaker, also mentioned the temperament of the other as well as deciding to make future plans with this person…or not. The summary was being able to protect yourself. It sounds like good information. It's having the ability to do what we were never able to do before. It’s actually seeing the writing on the wall and determining if the person is worthy for you to hitch your wagon to. It’s making a quality decision based on the facts derived from the information gathered. It’s how the police, lawyers, and private investigators (along with asking questions) get their information to make a conviction or an acquittal.

Remember when you lived your life without any inhibitions? When you had no structure or discipline

(Galatians 5:15-25 AMP)? When you were down, out and had no place to go; wondering how you got to this place? Then God. You learned that God said come as you are and He will give you rest. He said if you follow Him, that His burden will be easy and yoke is light. He said to believe on Him and He will give you  the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4 AMP). Remember? It’s what was left out of that guy’s sermon, because he forgot where God brought him from?

The internet is unforgivable. It holds salacious, seductive, curious, and entertaining information that viewers will actually pay for to see more of. Information that can be damaging to a person’s life to the point where the person loses the will to live. Are you a part of that? Would God be pleased with what you have done with the information you received?

A young boy was angry that he lost both parents in a horrible car crash. He was looking for someone to blame and there was no one. He wished he had been there because he didn’t know how much he needed them until he no longer had them. He was moved from one extended family member to another until there were none that wanted to care for him. He was placed in the foster system where the basic human care was less than favorable. It made him angrier. Who was he supposed to talk to? Where else could he go and with the added responsibility of finishing school, all he could think about is being old enough so not have to feel as unwanted as he did. Eventually, he found a group that had similar circumstances and welcomed him. Their ability to function was under survival mode. The young boy learned quickly. It often meant that he would have to lie, steal, and cheat just to eat or have a warm place to sleep. The stealing gave him a criminal record. The continued behavior caused for that record to proceed him as a misfit destined to be a habitual criminal. Soon a misdemeanor turned into a felony and the now young man had a prison sentence tagged to his name. While in prison, the young man became involved in group therapy, finished his education, and began reading books to better himself. His outlook on life was more favorable and he was eager to be released to see how he can add to society rather than steal from his community. Does his future look bright to you? Could he establish good friendships, relationships, possibly have a family and be a good father? What if his potential mate took the advice of the sermon mentioned above? Now what are his odds?

This was a conundrum for me when I heard that sermon. While doing a background check seems to be a good idea, what about those that don’t have the criminal record because the judge didn’t think it was worthy of a prison sentence or the habitual criminal was never caught yet he/she presents themselves well? When does your faith in God presents itself (Hebrews 12:2 AMP)? Does your faith have a front row in your life during your dating process or are you still reading the print out from the internet?

There is a story I wrote about from a talk show from back in the day, The Ricki Lake Show. She had a topic entitled, The Summer Is Over, And So Are We. In it there was a born again believing woman telling what hellacious mess she would have lived through with a man who presented himself well, but God stood in the way and saved her. You can read about it here. No internet, just faith.

These are the last days. While the older is supposed to tell the younger (Titus 2:3-5 AMP), it seems as if mistakes are repeating themselves anyway. There is only One who can change the heart of a king because He knew that king before he was formed in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5 AMP). The internet doesn’t know the hearts of men. The Creator of all does. Trust Him. He has all the information you need to make the best decisions for your life.


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