The Fruit It Bares

The bible describes the righteous like a tree grown by the rivers of living water (Psalms 1:3 AMP). The scripture also tells us that we know a tree by the fruit it bares (Matthew 7:17-20 AMP). If you didn't already know, it is the Lord showing us how we can discern the types of people that are around us without saying too much. Just listen and watch what people do. It doesn't take long before it is shown if their intentions are for your good or demise. In the dynamics of relationships and dating for the purposes of marriage, it is paramount not to be impulsive and make quick decisions that eventually can be regrettable.

There was this family of seven. The mother had 5 boys with 5 different men. She was engaged to a man who was willing to be a father to all five…only, because all were considered adults but one was a teenager, he was going to be undoubtedly challenged. He married her. Does that mean he accepted the challenge? The boys, from the eldest to the youngest began to test the man’s authority by telling him what to do, what they were not going to do, and he was not their father. The man smiled looked at his new bride and expected for her to manage her sons including that he is the patriarch of the family now. Never having such the role model in the house to take control, she didn’t know what that meant.  Him, not growing up with a father, didn’t know what that meant either….but, it sounded good.

As Christians, we make assumptions believing that because one calls himself/herself a Christian, than

what is understood is a life style that’s exemplary. There is no question about what one will and won’t accept. Having certain conversations can be avoided because being a Christian means obvious answers would come with those questions. So why waste time, right? Unless….the idea of Christianity and actually walking it out are two different concepts to the one you think is the person of your dreams.

Have you seen the scandals going on over the pulpits lately? These are shepherds feeding the sheep the food that comes from the Lord’s table. Meaning, the food was already prepared (Psalms 23:5 AMP). All the shepherds had to do was serve. Yet, the scandal? How? They were serving! Didn’t they take a peek first or had a plate themselves? Didn’t they eat the same meal? If so, how did they get into such turmoil? Would that be inevitable for the flock seeing that pastor was leading the sheep?

Jesus came upon a fig tree and saw it had no fruit (Mark 11:12-25 AMP). He cursed the tree to the ground because its purpose was not only to be shade from the heat and a place for birds to make nests but to bear fruit as well. Man is supposed to expect the most from what God has created for him. A woman is supposed to be mature, desire to be married, have children, and assist in raising those children to be successful adults. A man is suppose to be mature, desire to have a wife, assist in raising those children and providing for what he has created. It is supposed to happen; when it doesn’t, there has to be some changes going on because the assessment is, something is out of order. Jesus made the assessment of a full grown tree and saw no fruit (out of order)! What do you do when dating someone and the fruit isn’t noticeable?

The man in the first scenario knew the woman he married had baggage from her past that produced 5 sons. A man could see those 5 sons as a problem especially when they were all almost grown. He could have made the woman fend for herself; instead he saw a way to not only raise the teenagers to have the opportunity to be successful but also men of God to be pleasing in His sight. That’s treasure in heaven. It is a sacrifice from his life to give into theirs.

In the second example, regretfully, we assume that everyone professing Christianity is telling the truth or has reached maturation to say that he/she is about their Father’s business too. The issue is, where is the proof? What has that person done in their lifetime that reflects Christianity as you know it to be (Proverbs 10:22 AMP)? When you see their family, what sort of character is blatant to you? Say he/she is the odd ball and don’t exemplify the same principles. Alright, how well is he/she on the job, at home, with friends, at a social setting, etc. You see, there are red flags warning you to stay away and white flags giving you the all is clear and good. Which ones have been waving at you? When were you paying attention? When and why were you ignoring the warnings?
Understand, this isn't the first time writing of this subject matter. Read more of the fruit that we all must bare or what we would like to bare: here, here, and here.


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